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The 4 levels

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The 4 levels Empty The 4 levels

Post  swaraj Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:26 pm

Extract from Ed Silvoso's book, Anointed for Business.

[The role played by the Christian is] always determined by the kind of relationship Christians have with the marketplace. The four levels are:

To be a Christian in the marketplace
To be a Christian who applies Christian principles in the marketplace
To be a Christian who does business in the fullness and the power of the Holy Spirit
To be a Christian committed to the total transformation of the marketplace[/list]

On the first level are those who believe the marketplace is an evil place but feel they can hold their ground as Christians. Survival is their objective and they need a lot of maintenance because they see themselves as POWs, forced to live with dignity in an undignified place.

The second level represents those who apply Christian principles in the market place. They have a more positive outlook than those on level 1 but do not believe that applying Christian principles can do much for the corporation where they work, much less for the market place as a whole. Those principles allow them to overcome temptations and to keep good testimony. Basically, they have settled for a draw: they will not change the marketplace and the marketplace will not change them.

On the third level we find Christians who wholeheartedly believe that they work in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit. They seek God everyday, they hear from Him, and they implement what He tells them.

The fourth level represents those who, after they have experienced God’s transforming power in their business, see themselves on a mission to transform the marketplace.


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Join date : 2008-03-23

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